
Loop Reading

Most of our hands have at least one loop somewhere. Although it can be very small, it is worth taking a close look at your hand and see whether you can spot it. Let's find it and divine with in this post!

Loop Reading | iSTOCK

The Nature Loop

The nature loop is found on the percussion of the hand, either near your Luna mount, or underneath your heart line. It is usually owned by those who have a strong love of nature and a special ability to communicate with plants or animals. These people are inspired by being in a natural environment.

The Music Loop

The music loop is located at the bottom of the Venus mount. This loop belongs to those who are deeply interested in music. If you have music loop on both of your hand, then you may choose to make music as your career.

The Bee

Located at the center of the Venus mount, the presence of the Bee indicates a person who has a deep interest in music made by stringed instrument such as violin, cello or a guitar.

The Loop of Courage

Located below the start of the life line, this loop belongs to people who are courageous and fearless.

Whorl or Double Loops on Luna Mount

If there is a whorl pattern on your Luna mount (which is rare), then it is a good sign signifying powerful imagination and ability to visualize. Some palmists also believe that this is a sign of clairvoyance or psychic ability. But if there is a double loops pattern on your Luna mount, then duality is at work (this duality involving your gender identification).

For example, women with this pattern on their Luna mount would be very competitive, assertive, and tough, while men in this pattern would tend to be very soft, sensitive and gentle.


You can divine with previous part of  Loop reading in Palm reading: Loop in Palmistry