Leo breakup

Leo's Reaction To Relationship Breakups

What exactly would push an easygoing Leo into finally calling things off?

You will find the leading causes of breakups with Leo and the way to rebuild a relationship with Leo in this post. Horoscope.tips gives you some suggestions to avoid breakups with Leo.

What exactly would push an easygoing Leo into finally calling things off? And if your relationship with a Leo has ended, what should you do to rebuild it again? You will find useful information in this post.

Been dumped by a Leo and wondering why? Well, it's quite simple - whatever the circumstances, there's only ever one reason for breakups with Leos, and it's always about their wounded pride. Deal a major blow to any Leo's vanity, and the cuddly, playful lion cub will instantly turn into a sulky, snarling beast. Fail to apologize immediately, preferably on bended knee, and your Leo lover will vow never to speak to you again.

Leo sign
The reason for breakups with Leos is about their wounded pride

Insufficient attention, lack of due recognition, or any kind of humiliation or rejection are guaranteed to ruffle Leo's mane and fill them with wild indignation. Don't take their huffing and puffing too seriously though. Despite their protestations, Leos don't give up easily on a good relationship (in fact, they're exceptionally loyal lovers). Often enough, a bit of therapeutic ego stroking is all that's necessary to get a Leo eating out of your hand again.

What you need to understand is that, as a stereotypical fire sign, Leo's anger is relatively transient: it dissipates just as fast as it tends to blow up since it's mainly based on hot air. There’s nothing particularly deep or devious about this sign’s motivations or agenda, its moods are relatively easy to fathom, and when you're in Leo's bad books, it will let you know loud and clear.

Big-hearted and sunny-natured by inclination, Leo isn’t a sign that deliberately tries to be complicated or wants to wind others up. At times, however, it does an excellent job of it – it’s hard not to get exasperated with Leos' me-first attitude, their tendency to think they always know best, and their need to call all the shots.

Okay, so Leos are capable organizers and leaders; they tend to have a good grasp of the big picture, and they usually delegate well. But when they take it a step too far, they can be insufferably patronizing, are some of the bossiest people you’ll ever meet, and are prone to riding roughshod over others’ pride (although all Leos hate it when this happens to them!).

Leos are capable organizers and leaders
Leos are capable organizers and leaders.


However much you may love them, be prepared to lose your patience regularly with the arrogant Lion. When you do so, be ready for the fall-out. Leo’s reputation as a drama queen is well earned and well exploited. The sulks, the tantrums, the histrionics – like naughty children, Leos know exactly how to wear down your resistance and pressurize you into caving into their demands.

Because of its notorious weakness for flattery, the uncomplicated Leo is relatively easy to win back, but it calls for some self-humiliation. You'll have to be willing to admit you were wrong and they were right, however untrue you know that to be. You'll need to let them have their own way on all fronts, regardless of the sacrifices this requires of you.  All it takes is a bit of blatant ass-kissing, so pile on the praise and admiration. Leos can’t get enough of it – watch them lap it up!

Three ways to avoid breakups with Leos

• Take no notice of their lion's roar - underneath it all; they're just big scaredy cats.

• Don't bother trying to challenge their authority - it's never worth the tears and hassle.

• Respect their sensitive ego - loss of face is the biggest deal-breaker for this sign.