
Monthly Horoscope for October 2019

Your horoscope prediction for this month.

Monthly Horoscope for October 2019 | iSTOCK

This is a summarized version of the dailyhoroscopeonline.com predictions, click on the previous link to read the full prediction.

You can also read an extended version on love, money and health for your sign by clicking on the title of each sign.

♈ARIES (21st March - 19th April)

Stop being mysterious if you want to succeed in love. In money issues, you'll only get good news.

♉TAURUS (20th April - 20th May)

You will be gifted by the sky with some magical charisma, which will favour your relationships.

♊GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

You will feel some anxiety this month. Try not to get too obsessed, and give yourself a break; stop thinking too much.

♋CANCER (21st June- 22nd July)

Teach people around you that money isn't easy to earn. Why don't you make money-saving plans this month?

♌LEO (23rd July - 23rd August)

You focus on having a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Don't give up and make an effort not to let it go.

♍VIRGO (24th August - 22nd September)

Your love life, even if you're single, will renovate. Be careful with your investments even if your economy is good.

♎LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

You'll take important decisions and will put an end to a toxic relationship, or at least you'll cut toxic behaviors.

♏SCORPIO (23rd October - 21st November)

You are going to live plenty of magical moments together with your partner. Thank Venus for that!

♐SAGITTARIUS (22nd November - 21st December)

This month, you are going to learn a lot of things from an emotional point of view. Keep that knowledge for the future.

♑CAPRICORN (22nd December - 19th January)

This month will be an important month to define many aspects of your future, Capricorn.

♒AQUARIUS (20th January - 19th February)

Keep physical activity going this month, you're doing very well. Those small discomforts are nearly over.

♓PISCES (20th February - 20th March)

You will be full of energy this month. You will start with some efficient routines with the help of Jupiter.